Combine the AnalyticaChart 4 with any strategy to create a powerful hybrid strategy, utilize the chart as a "red flag" indicator. Wait for entries with your normal strategy, and "cut out" bad trades by watching order flow.

Mike S.
Retail Trader - 15 Yrs. Experience
Using the technique and footprint charting Connor teaches I raised my account NLV 13% TODAY. This is THE best tool available to retail traders and it wasn't always there for us. I've been trading 15 years this coming May 8th (2022). I'm a scalper by nature and always did fairly well but since adding the footprint data charts to my platform (and understanding the data) I have raised my account balance by 51% in just a few weeks. I am also not taking huge risk which, in my opinion, is one of the best qualities of using this tool. It will literally show you where to put your stop based on traded data..... not rules, not books, not trade plans etc. Try it- I know of NO trader who can't benefit by this charting system.
Carson G.
Proprietary Trader
I just passed the evaluation for Earn2Trade with this chart, I've been struggling for a long time to get a consistent edge but the ability to see the market structure with this chart is such a game changer, I'll never trade without it again.
Kent J.
Commodities Trader
"So... 3 weeks with the Volumetric indicator (and trading every day) I have experienced 2 "down days" where I closed Red. 1 was -$296 and the other was -$46. Every other day was seriously Green and it's largely due to installing and learning this indicator and what the shown parameters reflect. I started with a small account since I have accounts elsewhere and in 3 weeks the PNL has grown 29%"